
작성일 : 20-06-09 11:41
DTV Series 밸브제어형
 글쓴이 : 최고관리자
조회 : 1,287  
   DELTA온도계DTV카다록.pdf (876.3K) [13] DATE : 2020-06-09 15:45:35

- Single key for switching between auto and manual mode.
 - Additional left key for adjusting the number, making parameter settings faster and handler.
 - Displaying output percentage for the user to acquire the openness of the valve immediately.
 - Control methods are designed entirely for the features of electronic valve.
 - DTV have two groups of alarm outputs with 17 modes, for more choices of applications.
 - The RS-485 interface allows collecting data from many devices through network on-line monitoring


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